International Economics and Business

ESG and sustainable development

International Economics and Business programme focused on the education of future economic leaders with a sustainable mindset aimed at implementing ESG transformation as an integral part of our mission, strategy and values. First of all, we are working to strengthen the following Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 4 Quality education

SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth

SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities

SDG 17 Partnership for the goals

With the direct participation of the students of the programme, we published the first report on the PRME website on the projects of GSEM and the programme in the field of sustainable development:

Sustainability and Responsible Management at Graduate School of Economics and Management, 2021-2024

The first ESGD hackathon in partnership with the companies Sber, Sverdlovsk Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, chain of beauty store Gold Apple was held in November 2023 and allowed 15 international teams from 10 countries to generate their ESG startups taking into account the use of digital technologies.

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