International Economics and Business

Career Opportunities:

Business Owner
Management of global structures; Competent selection of international regulatory rules; Application of international taxation standards; Development of financial strategies; Modelling optimal pricing models; Forecasting market development; Modelling optimal innovative solutions
Middle and senior level manager in national and international economic organisations, government departments
Managing company value and brand in different socio-economic and legal environments; Implementing innovative resource and human capital management technologies; Developing sustainable and responsible leadership models
Research Analyst / Partner in Consulting
Builds, analyses and interprets: predictive econometric models; social and economic data sets using ICT; financial, accounting, analytical information
Specialist / head of foreign economic departments, planning and forecasting departments, market conditions departments of Russian and international companies
Applies: knowledge of customs, tax, logistics regulation for successful work in the foreign market; Professional English in negotiations Selection of foreign partners and methods of work with them; Overcoming cross-cultural difficulties; Hedging foreign economic risks

Alumni Career Choices:

Система Orphus