International Economics and Business

Student`s projects:

Digital business simulation

A unique opportunity to create your own international corporation and try yourself in the role of CEO, managing all the key business processes of a virtual company

ESG Hackathon

Development of sustainable projects and creation of ESG startups taking into account the use of digital technologies on the instructions of leading employers in the Urals to achieve the SDGs. Based on the results of 2023, international student teams presented 15 development projects

Business projects activities

Starting 2nd year, students implement applied projects on the instructions of the business and UrFU departments. Every semester, about 20 projects are implemented, the results of which are integrated into customers’ business processes

Brain Teaser

International teams of students, graduates, professors and corporate partners of the programme answer the most non-trivial economics and business questions

Day of sports and economic teambuilding

A unique teambuilding concept for programme students: a mix of economic quest and sports activities

Professional orientation course

A special course for 1-year students with exciting lectures and games from leading programme lecturers, corporate partners and foreign professors. Representatives of leading companies provide necessary skills for a successful career


As part of project activities, students participate in the design of economic and management games, applying the range of competencies acquired in a number of courses, calculating strategies for socially responsible business

Система Orphus