Business Informatics

Program description:

Area of studies:
Busness Informatics
Branch of science:
Social Sciences
Graduate School of Economics and Management
Degree awarded:
Bachelor's degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
Full-time: 4 years

"BUSINESS INFORMATICS" is a unique interdisciplinary educational program. The program aims at providing graduates with competencies for active participation in digital transformation of current business types, economic processes in management, as well as development of new business models in the digital environment. Special features of the programme include practical orientation and students’ participation in real cases solution for businesses and public administration that require application of modern information technologies, data mining techniques, and artificial intelligence systems. 

Due to close integration with the largest regional and Russian IT-corporations, students are focused on mastering the technologies of digital transformation of businesses, studying economic processes and management, as well as developing new business models in the digital area. 

The specifics of the program are project-based learning and practical orientation:

· fundamental training in the field of project management,

·  business modeling, setting tasks for the development and development of information systems,

·  mathematical modeling and forecasting of the development of market systems,

·  business analytics, big data, data science

·  use of modern algorithms and technologies for collecting, storing and processing information,

·  mastering data analysis methods, including the use of artificial intelligence systems,

·  technology consulting, ERP consulting, IT promotion

·  learning programming languages ​​and much more

Representatives of the business community, academic partners, and government agencies take an active part in training - teaching individual courses, conducting master classes, seminars, and organizing practical training.

Competencies and advantages of the graduates:

· Understand business problems, design and implement information systems to solve them

· Analyze and describe business processes, optimize and automate them

· Manage IT projects and business IT infrastructure, evaluate their economic efficiency

· Analyze large volumes of data and create the necessary program code for this

· Create data-driven decision support systems

· Engage in business activities in the IT field

The educational program includes the best international and domestic practices of training specialists in the field of project management of developing business sectors, business process modeling, application of information technologies, artificial intelligence systems for business development, mathematical methods of forecasting market development, as well as UrFU's own developments.

Where and by whom do graduates work:

· Analysts in banks, consulting companies, national and international IT-companies

· Data Science specialists in banks, manufacturing, and IT companies

· Project managers and sales specialists in IT companies

· Specialists in the development of digital areas in traditional businesses

· IT entrepreneur

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