IT Innovations in Business

Project-Based Education

The IT Innovation in Business program offers a wide range of project-based learning opportunities. Our partners are real small, medium and large enterprises in different sectors, mainly in IT. They offer practically significant projects of different levels of complexity and different specialisations. You always have the freedom to choose a project based on your experience, competencies and interests. All projects are implemented in groups.  It means that in addition to Hard Skills (knowledge gained through applied project activities), students can boost their Soft Skills (e.g. Team Cooperation, Leadership, Communication skills etc.). Every project has its own project coordinator, who always comes to the rescue and gives practical advice. In case of working on a particularly complex project, lecturers of various courses within our program can meet you halfway and adapt their disciplines to the needs of your project. Successful completion of a project is a great career opportunity. You have a chance to establish yourself in the labor market and build a very important contact with the potential employer.
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