IT Innovations in Business

Testimonials from our alumni

Avinash Kumar

Current student

Previous education: B.Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, MBA in IT & Marketing

My name is Avinash Kumar and I’m from India. At present, I’m pursuing my Masters in Applied IT. I was working in Shenzhen, China for 2 years as Business Analyst and was looking for opportunity to study in Russia at the same time. I researched online for different government Universities in different cities of Russia. I looked at rankings to see which were the most recognized. I was mainly looking at Universities that had Master programs fully in English language.

I also figured out that studying here would allow me to work on my educational goal and discover more of the Russian culture, language, food, tradition, climate, people etc. Then, I applied for Russian government scholarship program & got that. Finally, I became part of UrFU family & pursuing my higher studies under the Supervision of highly qualified and experienced Professors across the world.

There were two main reasons of why I chose UrFU. The first one was the educational programs offered here mainly in the field of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI/ML). The second was the scholarship program which was much needed for me. Also, opportunity to get dual degree from other UrFU collaborated universities across the globe.

Impression towards UrFU: The University is very big to the point where I will not be able to explore it all by the time, I will finish my program. The buildings have beautiful Roman style architecture and modern dormitories are well equipped with everything needed for students. All classrooms have everything they need, computers, projectors, Wi-Fi etc. The professors are easy to reach and always willing to help with doubts or concerns. University also has a program that provides the assistance to bilingual students to help them with all their needs related to sports, banking, medical, study, library, travel, cultural activities, internship etc.

During my first year (preparatory course) here, I studied the Russian Language, those classes were really interesting. Thanks to those lessons, I improved my speaking skills. All professors have their uniqueness which makes them specialist of their subjects. I just admire their rich teaching experience and they always try to deliver their best till our understanding. Because of the nature of my study, I don’t get often time for sports. But being as a sport lover, I always take out my time and participate in multi sports activities. It also provides us the platform to take our game & other extra-curricular activities to the world’s recognized level.

I have enjoyed the experience of living in a new country and meeting new people from different backgrounds. Besides the obvious of meeting Russian people, I have also had the chance of meeting people from many other countries: Arab, Africa Latin America, Europe etc. Also, Ekaterinburg is famous for its constructivist architecture and is also considered the "Russian capital of street art. I mostly enjoy the snowfall here.

We all know that Russia is the world’s largest country which spans 11 time zones across two continents (Europe and Asia) and has shores on three oceans (the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Ocean). Russian culture has a long and rich cultural history, steeped in literature, ballet, painting and classical music. It has one of the world's largest economies that is powered by its extensive natural resources. Top industries include oil and natural gas production, with agriculture, forestry, fishing and manufacturing serving as other economic drivers. I have visited many cities and they all have something different and special to offer. Each city has different architecture, different natural landscapes, even different cultural aspects. And contrary to what most people believe (including myself before coming), it is not cold all year and everywhere in Russia.

My original plan is to get re-admitted in UrFU for PhD after my Masters because I can see this is a vast diversified place to do further scientific research under expert scientists & professors. As of now, I’m one year away from my graduation. Here you also learn about the time & work management, leadership skills, writing & publishing your research work, and an overall practical based education system which you can utilize it anywhere across the globe and will get success in your career.

Al-Muwassefi Abdulla Najwan Sabeh

Graduate of 2021

My name is Abdulla Najwan, I am from Baghdad / IRAQ.

In 2019, I was seeking for a university to continue my master's degree, so after searching I was found a lot of universities and one of them was UrFU.

When I checked the courses and what I need, I found the best course that I want it which is IT INNOVATION IN BUSINESS. And I was surprised because it was in English, most of the Russian universities teach in Russian but UrFU offered the English language to make it easy for the foreign student to come and learn in Russia.

One of the factors that drew me to Russia was the temperature, since I enjoy the cold weather and the unique style of life in this wonderful location. I registered and sent all of my documents, and the answer was fantastic; everything was moving too quickly and easily. After I arrived and took my first glance around, I liked everything, everything was cool and fresh. When I arrived at the university, I was greeted by a large, old-fashioned university. The major structures are designed in the Roman style. The administrative staff is really friendly; however, it is essential to visit many offices in order to finish the registration procedure. And one of the benefits I saw was that at most offices, there was usually someone who spoke English, which is useful if you don't know Russian.

The education at UrFU is excellent since all of the teachers assist you in absorbing all of the knowledge that will be useful to you in the future, as well as the practical study in the labs, it was one of the greatest, in my view, since I receive a lot of advantages from the labs, because it helps me to do what I should do in my next future career if I use it and gives me experience.

I have liked living in a new nation and meeting new individuals from all backgrounds. Aside from meeting Russians, I've had the opportunity to meet individuals from a variety of other nations, including Afghanistan, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Guinea, Ukraine, and Syria. This has been a one-of-a-kind event that I am grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in.

Almadani Abdulkareem Ali Abdulkareem

Graduate of 2021

“Never stop learning, no matter how old you are“

From this statement, I decided to complete my master's study, but this time I chose to continue my studies in Russia to discover Russian culture and try the experience of studying in it, which was very successful,

I’m Almadani Abdulkareem from Iraq I was born in Baghdad 1995 and I finished my bachelor's degree in computer engineering from 2013 – 2017 in my country.

Ural Federal University helped me to develop my skills in computer engineering and business management, especially by choosing (IT INNOVATION IN BUSINESS) program, where was my best choice because it’s related to my field (information technology) and has professional professors.

My experiment with this program was very successful and I learn a lot from the excellent professors.

I learned something important, no matter how much you stumble and no matter how much you fail, do not give up. It is absolutely still possible to make a difference.

I highly recommend choosing Ural Federal University to continue learning, it will add a lot to you.

Bah Ibrahima

Graduate of 2021

My name is Bah Ibrahima. I'm from the Republic of Guinea.

I recently graduated from the master's program at the Engineering School of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Control Systems of the Ural Federal University. My journey in my institute was amazing. A well-organized study program, adapted premises, excellent teachers that motivate you and that are always available, that follow you up no matter what. An environment that would guide any student towards the realization of his ambitions. The knowledge and training acquired during those two years will allow me to develop even more in the field of New technologies. The courses on programming in the various computer languages, the databases and the tools to manipulate them such as python and jupiter have propelled my abilities to another level. The courses on computer business, decision-making methods opened my mind on an aspect of economics and business that I completely didn’t know before. There are a lot to be said about this university that we lose words. I will recommend it to anyone who aspires to push its limits. A well-structured educational university in a city full of beautiful places such as large parks, beautiful forests, lakes, places of attractions with welcoming, respectful, cheerful citizens always ready to help. I really thank URFU.

Martinez Jorge

Graduate of 2021

My name is Jorge Martinez, I am from San Diego, USA. For the first time I visited Russia in 2018 for the FIFA world cup and was very amazed by the country. I figured that studying here would allow me to work on my educational goal and also come back and discover more of the Russian culture. I researched online for different Universities in different cities of Russia. I looked at rankings to see which were the most recognized. I was mainly looking at Universities that had Master programs in English language. There were two main reasons of why I chose UrFU. The first one was the educational programs offered here. There were 2 Master programs offered in English in which I had interest. One was the IT Innovations and the other was in International Trade and Entrepreneurship. I applied for both and later decided which to keep. The second was a financial decision. Overall it was more affordable to study in UrFU than in other Russian Universities. Not to mention, way cheaper than Studying in the USA or Mexico. This includes both tuition fees and cost of living.

To what I have been able to experience I have a positive image of the university. The University is very big to the point where I will not be able to see it all by the time I finish my program. The main buildings have beautiful Roman style architecture. There are security checks on all entrances. All classrooms have everything they need, computers, projectors etc. The professors are easy to reach and always willing to help with doubts or concerns. The administrative staff is very helpful. Mainly during the enrolling process, it necessary to visit different offices. In most of the offices there was always someone who spoke English. In cases where there wasn’t an English-speaking person the University has a program that provides the assistance of bilingual students to help you with all processes. The best professor I have had here is Ebenezer Agbozo. He teaches in a way that makes classes easy to understand. He teaches you something and then makes you practice what he just taught you. This allows students to ask questions and make sure they learned before leaving the classroom. Because of the nature of my major, I have used mostly computer labs. Most of my classes require practice in different computer programs. Therefore, they are held in computer labs. It is very convenient as every student has the chance to practice and work on their own. I have enjoyed the experience of living in a new country and meeting new people from different backgrounds. Besides the obvious of meeting Russian people, I have also had the chance of meeting people from many other countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Guinea, Ukraine, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia. This has been a unique experience that I am happy to have had the chance to live. I think Russia is a great country. I have no doubt that in many aspects it is a first world country. I have visited many cities and they all have something different and special to offer. Each city has different architecture, different natural landscapes, even different cultural aspects. And contrary to what most people believe (including myself before coming), it is not cold all year and everywhere in Russia.

My original plan was to go back to California after finishing my studies here in Russia. I planned to return and look for a job related to my Master’s degree. One year away from graduation I can’t say for sure what I will do. If I get a good employment opportunity in Russian it is possible that I can stay here longer.

Abdulhussein Karrar Qahtan Abdulhussein

Graduate of 2020

My name is Karrar Qahtan Abdel-Hussein, a final year student from the Federal Ural University (UrFU) in the master’s program "IT Innovations in Business". I also have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Al-Qadisiyah University - Iraq.

I came to UrFU with an IT background and I intend to focus on network design and cyber security as I took lessons in IT and how to design networks and web design, which made me gain knowledge in integrating IT and some programs. As a student in business IT innovations with knowledge in information technology and business Although I am not a business student, I appreciate the fact that I have learned some business management programs that have given me a great idea of using some background in business and economic research. In general, I would like to say that UrFU has made me a thorough, enthusiastic, confident and enthusiastic person for difficult tasks.

Al-Doori Mohammed Basim Jamal

Graduate of 2020

My name is Muhammad Basim Al Douri, a final year student from the Federal Ural University (UrFU) in the Master’s Program "IT Innovations in Business".  I also have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from AL_TURATH University, Baghdad, Iraq.

I came to UrFU with an IT background and my intention to focus only on cloud computing and programming fundamentals until I took lessons in IT and data science, which made me gain knowledge in integrating IT and some programs in my research on cloud computing. I am a very social person and I yearn to work with anyone who wants to make positive economic and social change.  I am a very enthusiastic person and love to work towards a specific goal.

Overall, I would like to say that UrFU made me a thorough, highly motivated, confident and excited person to do tough tasks.

Ali Ayham

Graduate of 2020

My name is Ayham Ali this year successfully finished my master degree from Ural Federal University (UrFU) on "IT Innovations in Business".

My studies in the course gave a wild sort of information, to be used at my future life and career.

Giving me the view on economy and informational technology at the same, how to get the biggest benefits with the highest technology nowadays was the main prospective of my course and studies.

The stuffs of the department were highly talented and experienced, gave us the best experience and expert academical advises, with cutting edge technology to make impact on world-wide business models and innovations.

The course is highly recommended, and I am looking forward to continuing my PhD’s at this department, to implement what I have been studying and develop my own projects and business ideas.

Al-obaidi Ibrahim Mahmood Shakir

Graduate of 2020

My name is Ibrahim Mahmood Shakir, Recently I graduated from Ural federal university, Yekaterinburg/ Russia. Master student in IT innovation in business. It was a nice journey, I gained knowledge, skills, and experience.

UrFU has proven to be an excellent environment for me to further my goals. I have found all the subjects and classes are interesting. The professors are friendly, helpful, and supportive in providing both guidance and opportunity to students. Their doors are always open to answer questions and offer advice for everyone. I wish to progress my career development in the IT field so as I can bring abilities and skills that I have gained in my masters in the future.

I highly recommend the students who are interested in the IT field to join this program. It will develop their skills and gives them experiences and future job opportunities.


Seakomo Emmanuel Semenyo

Graduate of 2020

I discovered a new world when I joined MSc. in Applied Informatics (IT Innovations in Business) degree program at Ural Federal University (UrFU). My life-long interest and passion in technologies has paid its due when I discovered all mysteries of information systems, data analytics, innovative models for businesses, multi-agent systems, artificial intelligent, project management, data warehousing, among many other topics.

The program is focused more on the application of technology in the industry. Some few interesting experiences were hands-on learning of how to share files, create UTP cables (LAN cable in computer), and connect two or more computers (set-up in a computer laboratory) in our computer networking module. I was able to create my own website because of the web programming module. Business modules, as well taught me how to make a business plan and how technology can be integrated into businesses. AI and multiagent systems were taught with real life application experiences.

What more, my two years in basic academic department "Big Data Analytics and Video Analysis Methods" at UrFU were among the best years of my life. Nowhere have I found students and faculty more engaged than at UrFU. My professors are high qualifying academia and professional who carry the latest credentials and industry experience allowing them to accomplish the program objectives. There is different expertise for research areas from the departments of UrFU and the encouragement coming from all sides that can never be underestimated. Thy encourage and mentor us to take our interest to platforms where we can share our ideas with both scientific and industrial communities via conferences and seminars.

There are lots of employment opportunities in IT industry and I am happy that I am well-equipped with the needed skillsets I have gained from my program of study. I am using the R and python programming languages taught as well as SQL server for databases in my freelance remote jobs (data analytics, web-application developer, system analyzing, etc.). The strong IT business skills taught has helped me to be one of the founders of Klotoo Technologies Consultancy ( firm which provides digitization needs for businesses in general. With the rigorous scientific research training provided, I am currently considering embarking on further studies (Doctor of Philosophy degree), so as I will be able to contribute to the scientific community and improvement of humanity through research works.

The world now is in a fast pace technology. IT industry is growing much bigger which gives a wide array of job opportunities. I would recommend this program, because, it equipped you with life-long skillsets that you may not necessary seek job opportunities as employee but rather creator of jobs (tech-preneur). Finally, I can confidently say that MSc. Applied Informatics (IT Innovation in Business), at UrFU is full of learning opportunities and self-discovering that were filled with fun and frolic.

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