IT Innovations in Business

Career Opportunities:

Business analyst
The main tasks of a business analyst are the study, description, analysis and (if necessary) reengineering of business processes. The main output document is a description of business processes as they are and as they should be. Business analysts must have a good IT background (baggage) and be versed in the economic processes of the enterprise. Analysts widely use methods of mathematical analysis to predict the activities of an enterprise, etc. Fluent in the same language as developers and business users. In a sense, analysts determine the strategy of the enterprise. Thus, they are needed at the stage of analyzing the requirements for the information system as well as at the support stage (they receive feedback from users through reports, logs, etc.)
Entrepreneurship may not necessarily be related to the creation of your own business. Ideas for launching and improving products and services coming from employees of large companies are also entrepreneurial initiatives. Employees whose entrepreneurial skills within the company are called internal entrepreneurs (the intrapreneurs). They help giant companies become as fast as startups, increase revenue and bring business to new markets. The effect of internal entrepreneurship is broader than solving specific business problems. This is an important factor of innovative development in the world. Employers want to hire creative, proactive and flexible candidates – those employees who are called internal entrepreneurs - creative free-thinking people who seek to share new ways of solving problems and tasks and act within a certain company, and not alone.
IT business Owner
An entrepreneur is a person who works for himself, manages his time independently, manages his resources and develops his business in IT.
Project Manager
They manage everything. He has its own vision. He is competent at every stage of project development and implementation.
SMM specialist
A SMM specialist manages the brand's presence and promotion in social channels (Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, Twitter, Instagram and others). Its tasks are to increase the reach of the audience that is interested in the client's product or service, strengthen the client's image, and process the negative. He strives to create a positive image for the customer. The SMM specialist may not directly affect sales, but indirectly, due to the positive image of the product, increase them. The SMM manager determines in which social networks and how the brand will be promoted, how the work will be organized to find and neutralize the negative, how the work will be carried out to increase the audience in social channels, and much more. He also participates at the stage of analysis and testing of business ideas, influences the strategy of the enterprise's behavior in the network.
System Architect
The work of a system architect is to collect, analyze, formalize, and agree on the requirements for an information system. In other words, it is requirements management throughout the entire life cycle of the system. The main, although usually not the only, output document is the terms of reference or its equivalent. The system architect is the main one at the design stage, and also manages the improvements at the system support stage.
WEB developer
WEB-developer takes part in the work at the stage of product development and support. He programs the internal and external parts of information systems, is responsible for working with databases. He is constantly involved in the work, as information systems are updated, improved, functionality is added, etc.

Alumni Career Choices:

Система Orphus