Radio-frequency Engineering

Program description:

Area of studies:
Radio-frequency Engineering
Branch of science:
Engineering, Technology and Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Information Technologies, Telecommunications and Control Systems
Degree awarded:
Bachelor's degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
Full-time: 4 years
Extramural: 5 years

The main professional educational program 11.03.01 / 33.01 "Radio engineering" is aimed at training middle-level engineering and technical workers (engineer, design engineer) engaged in the development and design of radio-electronic equipment and radio-electronic systems for various purposes.

The program focuses graduates on active participation and initiative in the breakthrough development of radio-electronic industries, on the development of new equipment, the introduction of new technologies, changing the culture of production, following the main directions of the fourth industrial revolution.

A special feature of the program is a pronounced practice-oriented learning process. The increased volume of pre-graduate practice allows you to perform final qualification work in the interests of specialized enterprises, which allows students to consistently master the necessary level of qualification, ensures the inclusion of graduates in the production process without additional retraining.

At the same time, the program provides fundamental training in natural science and General engineering disciplines sufficient to continue training in engineering master's programs.

The priority of active learning methods and inclusion in the project training program ensures the formation of students, along with professional competencies, a conscious ability to work in a team and the necessary leadership qualities.

The program provides deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of construction and operation of digital and analog radio-electronic devices as part of telecommunications, radar and radio navigation systems, familiarity with modern achievements in the field of technology and technology of high and ultrahigh frequencies. Graduates of the program are able to work with modern software for modeling and developing nodes of radio engineering systems.

When designing the educational program and implementing training, the best international practices of training specialists in the field of engineering and technology, advanced domestic experience and URFU's own developments were used.

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