Design and technological support for machine-building industries

Program description:

Area of studies:
Design and Technological Support of Machine Building
Branch of science:
Engineering, Technology and Engineering Sciences
Institute of New Materials and Technologies
Degree awarded:
Bachelor's degree
Intake Year:
Mode and duration of study:
Full-time: 4 years
Extramural: 5 years

The main professional educational program of 15.03.05 "Design and technological support of machine-building industries" is aimed at training engineering and technical workers (master, mechanical engineer, process engineer, design engineer) capable of organizing the activities of production units of machine-building enterprises.When developing the educational program, the needs of machine-building enterprises and the requirements of professional standards in the field of design and technological support of machine-building industries are taken into account.The program focuses graduates on active participation and initiative in the breakthrough development of classical machine-building industries, on the development of new technology, the introduction of new technologies, changing the culture of production, following the main directions of development of the fourth industrial revolution.A feature of the program is the pronounced practice- oriented learning process. The increased volume of production practices, the transfer of part of the educational process to the territory of partner enterprises makes it possible for students to consistently master the necessary level of qualifications, starting with working professions, ensures the inclusion of graduates in the production process without additional retraining.At the same time, the program assumes fundamental training in natural science and general engineering disciplines sufficient to continue training in engineering master's degree programs.When implementing the educational program, active teaching methods, practice-oriented and project-based training are used to ensure the formation of a complex of universal, general professional and professional competencies among students, as well as to form a conscious ability to work in a team and the leadership qualities necessary for engineers.The inclusion of three educational routes allows students to choose training in one of three areas: industrial and manufacturing engineering (TOP-1), Metalworking machines and systems (TOP-2), and manufacturing Technology of aircraft parts made of composite materials (TOP-3).Definition of the trajectories in the educational program based on the experience of the faculties of the Department of mechanical engineering, Urfu.The trajectory "Technology of mechanical engineering" (TOP-1) aims students to solve mainly production and technological tasks of professional activity, in the field of manufacturing parts of general mechanical engineering.The trajectory "Metalworking machines and complexes" (TOP-2) aims students at solving design tasks of professional activity, in the field of manufacturing parts of general mechanical engineering.The trajectory "Technology of manufacturing aircraft parts from polymer composite materials" (TOP-3) aims students at solving production and technological tasks of professional activity in the field of manufacturing aircraft parts from polymer composite materials.After completing the bachelor's degree program, graduates will be able to carry out professional activities at enterprises and organizations of the machine-building complex (workshops and departments of main and auxiliary productions, divisions of the chief technologist department, technological departments and services of mechanical assembly shops, etc.), in academic and departmental research and design organizations.The educational program allows graduates to continue their studies in engineering master's degree programs by obtaining fundamental knowledge and skills in natural science and general engineering disciplines.

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