The Best Students of the Educational Program

Lists of the top-rated students are created every semester for each course and for the academic program as a whole. These lists are in three parts: Overall Rating, Academic Rating, Research Rating, and Extracurricular Rating. To be included in these lists students must be in the top 10% of the ratings.

Overall Rating

  1. Вельможина Елизавета Дмитриевна (1 course)
  2. Вепрева Ксения Сергеевна (2 course)
  3. Волегов Егор Максимович (1 course)
  4. Гребнева Екатерина Сергеевна (2 course)
  5. Макарычева Полина Сергеевна (1 course)
  6. Мигунова Ольга Денисовна (1 course)
  7. Перевалова Дарья Игоревна (1 course)

Extracurricular Rating

  1. Зорбова Екатерина Михайловна (2 course)
  2. Макарычева Полина Сергеевна (1 course)
  3. Мясникова Александра Дмитриевна (2 course)
  4. Шкитырь Савва Владимирович (2 course)
Система Orphus