PR & Advertising in International Communications

Career Opportunities:

Advertising Manager
A specialist who coordinates advertising activities at the enterprise.
Event Manager
A specialist who organizes special events, this type of activity allows the organization to better establish contacts with customers and other target groups.
Head of Marketing, Advertising and PR Department
He heads and coordinates work in the organization in various areas: work with the media, advertising, public opinion formation, marketing communications with clients.
Internet Marketer
An Internet marketer forms an online marketing strategy for a product, as well as makes a forecast for costs, revenue, payments and applications online and distributes the forecast between online channels. Coordinates specialists who work directly with online promotion channels: SEO, PPC, email marketing. He can also work directly with promotion: launch advertising campaigns, optimize websites for SEO, or compose emails.
PR Manager
A specialist who manages communications at the enterprise in order to form a positive public opinion about the organization and its activities.
Promotion Specialist
A specialist whose main task is to ensure the sale of goods and services of the organization.
Specialist in communication activities
A specialist who comprehensively deals with communications at the enterprise, participates in the development of communication policy and its implementation.

Alumni Career Choices:

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