International Management

Exchange Terms

The term in a foreign university is a unique opportunity for for students (2nd and 3rd semesters only) to undergo free training for a semester or both semesters in one of 60 academic partners - large universities and business schools in 23 countries of the world.

Full list of academic partners

Experience of exchange students 


Anna Mingaleva, Graduate Student of International management, 2019-2021

"I was an exchange student at Ca' Foscari university of Venice during spring semester 2020. The semester started at the 4th of February. I was a happy person to study Economics & Management, learning Italian language and improving my English at different historic buildings of Ca' Foscari university all over Venice for almost a month. When the lockdown outbreak happened at the 8th of March I decided to stay in Venice and continue my exchange period as nothing was clear at that moment. Looking back I am convinced that to stay in Venice was the best decision. All the lectures were held online after the lockdown, including all our projects and exams. Most of the exams were transformed to oral ones that turned to be much more difficult for such subjects as Corporate Finance, for example. Going out was officially forbidden until the beginning of May: these 2 months at home were the most difficult and frightening ever,  however I was glad to have a lot of study, homework and tasks as there were no spare time at all. As all the flights were postponed or cancelled, my repatriation was also postponed to the uncertain time. The only way to come back was the repatriation flight that I managed to take in August (instead of June)."

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