International Management

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Future projects:

International Startup Management: XI International Summer School!

Doing Business in Russia: International Startup Management XI International Summer School, July 3-12, 2024   XI International Summer School "Doing Business in Russia: International Startup Management" is tailored for young leaders aspiring to lead successful international startups or manage teams involved in international innovative projects within corporations. The program consists of various modules led by our diverse teaching team, encompassing lectures, workshops, startup accelerator, expert discussions, case studies, master classes, and field visits from corporate partners. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in an extensive social, networking, and fun program, complemented by leadership soft skills training.  The details for this year's program you can find here. Among partners of the recent DBR projects: Ural Music Night, Sverdlovsk Film Studio, Domna Creative Space, Touristic Cluster of the Ural region What are key advantages of the Summer School?: 10 days of diversified and engaging work within an international team of other talented young leaders. With up to 30 participants from around the world, this setting enables effective communication, teamwork, and business training-style tasks.  5 corporate partners with international cases from Russia and abroad 5 ECTS certificate After completing the course, you will be able to:  Analyse international environment factors to make decisions about startups' development Design and manage international startup projects Manage cross-cultural teams to achieve the goals of international startup projects Navigate in Russian business environment Develop business networks with Russian and international partners    Join us and let's have fun together!  

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Implemented projects:

Ivan Akimenko, program lecturer and certified accounter, participates in ACCA activities.

Summer is a great occasion to raise your professional level and participate in the events of professional communities! The lecturer of our program and an employee of the largest telecommunications operator in Russia Rostelecom - Ivan Akimenko has been proving this statement for many years now! He participates in the ACCA global conference of educational programs. During the conference, events will be held to exchange international experience in teaching practices and current approaches to teaching in ACCA subjects. And on July 29, he will host the 5 Tips for Successful Financial Management Webinar as part of the July Marathon for ACCA students. This is a great example of the collaboration of the academic and professional community!

Collaboration of National Research University Higher School of Economics and INEU Ural Federal University in the field of research on the servicization of Russian enterprises!

On April 5, 2022, at the XXIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development the report "Service for Service: Servicing Industry Requires a New Industrial Policy" was presented. The report was written by a team of authors headed by the Director of the Center for Structural Policy Studies of the Higher School of Economics Yuri Simachev together with representatives of the Institute of Economics of UrFU: Head of the Master's Program International Management L.S. Ruzhanskaya and master students V.Tyazhelnikov and K.Artemyeva.The report is intended to reveal to the general public the phenomenon and the effects of "servizi (growth of the share of services in the activity) industry: the peculiarities of the servicized economies, Russia's place in the global servicization and its effects on the Russian enterprises. The research has shown that industrial companies with high share of services are more competitive and productive.An important conclusion for the policy is the adjustment of structural reforms in favor of increasing the share of services in the Russian economy.The text of the report is available on the website of the April (Yasin) Conference mass media, accredited at the April conference, quickly reacted with articles within the framework of the report discussion. To read the materials of Kommersanat, please follow the link well as materials of "Strategy" at the following link

The new academic year for students of the International Management programme has started on a high note!

The new academic year of the first year of Magstants was opened on 15 September 2023, . Traditionally, the programme team introduces newcomers to the peculiarities of the educational process: modular learning system, opportunities of the programme's electronic resources and online learning platforms, projects and cooperation with employers, international learning environment. The senior students share useful links and flyhacks with the newcomers, which is especially important for international students from far abroad!This year, a special place was given to the research theme, which started with a talk on the opportunities of a student's research career by Dmitry Gladyrev, Director of the INEU Research Support Centre, and Lyudmila Ruzhanskaya, Head of the Laboratory of Value Chains. Attention to the scientific component of master's students' life was not accidental, because Anna Obizhaeva, Director of the NES Master of Finance programme and Professor of Finance at the New Economic School (Moscow), gave a lecture on "Retail Investors and Trading on the Exchange"!  Anna Obizhaeva received her PhD in Finance from MIT Sloan School of Management and prior to her position as a full professor at NES worked as an assistant professor at Maryland University in the USA. Anna stressed that all over the world finance specialists are among the most demanded and scarce in the labour market and expressed her hope for cooperation between our universities. In addition, she wished the students to carry passionarity and readiness to return to their home university after graduation and help in training the next generations of students.Given that the International Management programme is accredited by the international professional association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Anna's lecture touched upon such aspects as the portrait of a retail investor in Russia, trading in foreign securities and problems with their blocking, margin trading and financial stability, consensus in science and business on retail investors, and possible research topics.

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